Current Projects

My own Creations. Check them out!  



Isolated in a pandemic, a man is forced to confront his mental health.

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BI the web series

Life's not always Black and White. There is definitely a area of gray. Can Alex Walker find love in this gray space of Bisexuality? Maybe. Maybe not...


No Homo No Hetero

Sexual Fluidity and Manhood in Black America explores the complexities, challenges, and beauty of being Black, bisexual and male in the United States. Through interviews, performance art, and archival footage, this full-length, experimental docu-poem invites the audience to explore the politics of living and loving authentically at the contentious intersection of racism, biphobia, and toxic masculinity. Help us end misconceptions and spread unity.



The Ex CYCle

Featured in : NEWFEST 2021

A series of short films that follows four former couples as they gain closure, redefine their relationships and attempt to answer the age old question, "Can I still be friends with my ex?"



24 year old young dumb and barely full of cum, Gale Mercury, a stoner, a womanizer and somewhat of a porn addict living in his mother's basement. Gale's insatiable quench for a once popular fad drink "Buccaneer Slap" - an energy elixir that shifts the human emotion, drastically depending on the flavor, but this elixir is also rumored to contain sperm killing agents. Gale quickly & unknowingly finds out his sperm count is rapidly decreasing. Gale loves living on his own terms & his older girlfriend Debbie Dial on the other hand isn't getting any younger and she's ready for family life. Does Gale give in to lust or slow down for exclusive love?